Friday, March 13, 2009

Top 5 Celebrities on Twitter

I'm pretty new to Twitter but have been playing around with it recently. I figure I need to keep up with the online social trends - got Facebook, got Linkedin, got Blog - now, got Twitter. I'm at I have a few friends on there, but the most active people on Twitter seem to be celebrities or media people. Anderson Cooper (or his assistant) puts links on there ever 3 minutes. Not very interesting. What's funny is the celebrities that are on there updating what they are doing or thinking every hour, giving us intimate insight into their personal lives. Makes you realize how normal they are. And what a strange feeling to see P. Diddy's new sneakers, or hear about Ashton Kutcher's martial arts classes. If you're ready to be bombarded with minute-by-minute updates from your friends, celebs and other randoms, join Twitter and add these celebs to your "Follow" list - just to check out this bizarre phenomenon:

1. Ashton Kutcher:
This guy is addicted. Or he has an active personal assistant that just follows him around and updates everyone on his thoughts and his activities. From jogging on the beach today where he commented on the paparazzi's shots of him, to getting ready for Demi's private Oscar party, to commenting on his step-daughters shopping. Is this for real? I actually think he might be really doing this one.

Top of the list for most annoying celebrity Twitter person I've come across. I may remove him because his Tweets show how much of a self-centered jackass he is (check out his Twitter home page screenshot to the right - a little narcissistic, no?) and his over-use of multiple punctuation!!!!!! (annoying!). But first want to send him a personal Tweet asking if he thinks Rihanna should get back together with Chris Brown!

Anyways, he posts pics of his ugly-ass sneakers, tells people about his upcoming audition for a movie that Ashton is backing, writes self-motivating tweets! Yesterday's tweet: "see even I have to fight for my dreams. Ashton is my friend but I still have to audition . I will fight. I will win. I will succeed!!!" I'm not kidding - that's a direct copy and paste.

Not that active, but of course, really funny and witty. I wish he'd post more often so he can drown out the annoying voices of P. Diddy on Twitter. He has posted about Jason Mosier ("Jay" from Jay and Silent Bob), Wayne Gretzky, and his daughter's lack of softball skills.

This one is a mix of personal stuff and self-promotion stuff posted by her assistants/managers. Not particularly a fan of her, but it's interesting to see some down-to-earth comments and insight into her life. Beyond what the paparazzi is saying about her, I'm actually happy for this girl that she can actually self-promote where she can control the message. And tell the world random things like the fact that she got take-out and went home to watch Pride & Glory. Weird.

OK, this one is probably not real. I think her PA is tasked with updating. She's not as funny as Ashton and kinda lame. And some of her playing off of what Ashton was tweeting about is a little pathetic. I did learn today that she bought a Kindle. Don't know what that is? Don't worry, a few days ago I didn't either... until I saw a dude on one of my flights this week with one, saw Jeff Bezos ( founder) interviewed about it, and then bought a present on and saw it promoted on the home page. Suddenly, it's everywhere. Check it out:

Know of other celebs on Twitter? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Christopher Walken and Rainn Wilson's tweets are both totally random and pretty funny.
