Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top 5 Things I Hate

I actually hate alot of things. Not that I'm hugely pessimistic, I'm just very particular with what I like, and what I don't like. So let's try to narrow it down to the top 5.

1. UFC

I was guilted into going to Vegas 2 weeks ago while a UFC fight was going on. I hate it so much that I at first refused to go on the trip at all, based on the sole fact that the guys were going down to watch UFC. I want nothing to do with it. And making me watch it comes with a price. A big price if I am forced to watch it.

2. Feet

Men's feet in particular, but girls feet are gross too. Ratty socks, or no socks. I hate it when people have their feet near my line of sight. Like on the coffee table when I have to look past their feet to watch TV. Or if I'm laying on the ground watching TV and someone's feet are near my face. Disgusting.

3. Reality TV

Can we get back to regular drama and comedies. It's much more entertaining and mind stimulating to watch actors than listen to the non-sense drizzle of real people who never went to college. I'd like for these fast grabs of 15 minutes of fame to be over. Do it on YouTube, fine. But let's stop the networks from airing this crap.

4. Blood and guts

CSI is one of my faves. It's a real show with real actors with real storylines and writing. But when the morgue and cadaver scenes come up, I have to look away. That's probably why I barely know who this fat Santa Claus looking character is on CSI when he shows up in other scenes. Oh, right - he's the doctor that pulls apart the blood and guts.

5. People who hug, kiss-on-the-cheek too much

I don't need to hug and kiss every time I see my friends. A simple hello is sufficient. It's only acceptable and within my norms of behavior if it's a friend from out of town or one that you haven't seen in a long time. Otherwise, just say hi.

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